Operating Interface > Key Concepts > Exclusion Editor > Exclusion Editor Common Tasks
Exclusion Editor Common Tasks
To do this...
...do this...
Configure an exclusion.
1. Click the box corresponding to the intersection of the source and destination whose match you would like to exclude.
A green outline appears around the selected box. Do this for all desired exclusions.
2. Click Save.
The selected boxes appear with a grey background and a white ×.1
Display the Status bar.
On the Settings menu, point to Status bar, and then select On.
The Status bar appears.
Revert back to the last saved exclusion settings.
Click Revert.
Display the status history log.
Click Status.
The History window appears.

1 If any exclusions are not allowed because of other choices made in the router definition, they will not appear on the matrix. Additionally, a note will appear (highlighted in red) in the Status box at the top of the pane. Click Status to see a list of all notes.