Routing Switchers Tips and Tricks > Leitch
How to get Firmware Version Number?
The software supports the Leitch ASCII Passthrough protocol. The application server can be connected to the Leitch system either directly or via an SPT (Serial Protocol Translator). The serial port on the SPT can be configured to act either as a RS-232 or RS-422 port using jumpers located under the cover of the box (see the manufacturer’s manual). When using the 232 ports, it is necessary to use a null-modem cable. DIP switches located under the cover of SPT can be used to configure the baud rate. The other parameters are 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. Some old versions of the SPT had a bug in the firmware that prevented them from responding correctly. Leitch can replace the firmware chip and it may be best to upgrade to the latest firmware version in any case.

IMPORTANT: The echo mode MUST be ON for the driver to work properly. If the echo mode is off, you may not be able to switch crosspoints.

To support the Leitch protocol on TCP/IP, a login/password must be set. By default, the driver uses login=leitch and password=leitchadmin. To change the login/password values, add the following two lines:
DEF_OPTIONS=" ${DEF_OPTIONS} -Dcom.miranda.icontrol.routers.leitch.login=leitch"
DEF_OPTIONS=" ${DEF_OPTIONS} -Dcom.miranda.icontrol.routers.leitch.password=leitchadmin"