SW‑P‑08 (General Remote Control Protocol)
This driver uses the general remote protocol (SW-P-08) to communicate with any SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) controller supporting that protocol (System2, System3, Aurora, Freeway, Nebula, etc.). You may use RS232 or RS422 to communicate with the controller. Data rates are typically 9600 bauds on an RS232 link and 38400 bauds on the RS422 link. The selection may be application-specific and it is usually configurable on the controller itself using the manufacturer’s software. Data is transmitted asynchronously as 8-bit data bytes, no parity framed by one start bit and one stop bit to make a 10-bit data frame. Parity may be used if the controller supports it. Be aware that this protocol uses both matrix and level ID. You can set the matrix ID of a particular level in the level configuration panel when configuring physical router in Router Manager. Level and matrix ID are considered zero-based in Router Manager. You must specify the matrix ID for each level you define. Here is an example: You have one Aurora controller and two physical routers, each one containing three levels. Depending on how you configured the aurora controller, you can set it up so the first router is identified as Matrix 1 and the second one as Matrix 2. In Router Manager, you will add only one physical router that represents the Aurora controller. Then you will add three levels for Matrix 1 and three others for Matrix 2.