Routing Switchers Tips and Tricks > SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) > SW‑P‑02 (General Switcher Communication Protocol)

SW‑P‑02 (General Switcher Communication Protocol)

This driver uses the general switcher communication protocol (SW-P-02) to communicate with any SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) switcher supporting that protocol (e.g. Halo, Sirius, etc.).

NOTE: This driver can also be used with a router controller such as a VikinX Modular router's SysCon card or an external ETH-CON device provided you have purchased the appropriate license (P-88) from Nevion (Network Electronics) for your controller.

The default communication parameters are:
8 bit DATA
1 STOP bit
EVEN Parity
38.4K Baud
The parameters may be application-specific and they are usually configurable on the SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) switcher itself, by using the associated software. Data is transmitted asynchronously.
This protocol is also supported over IP. The default port is 2000, but it may be configured to something else. If the switcher does not have an Ethernet port, you can use the Pro-Bel Babel Fish box:

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