Configuring NV9000 Routers with Tie Lines
Configuring an NV9000 router with tie lines involves two applications: NV9000 SE Utilities, and Router Manager Configurator.
2. On the File menu, click New, and then type your configuration name (for example ROUTERS_TIELINES)
3. Add new routers by clicking Routers on the left panel, and then clicking Add router on the right panel.
4. Type your router name for example ROUTER1 and select the proper protocol (for example NV compact router ethernet for compact router).
5. Click Add to add a physical level.
6. Do the following sub-steps for all routers:
a) Set values for input start, input end, output start, output end (for example 1, 32, 1, 32)
b) On the Level sets menu, click add levelset, and then type a level name (for example ROUTER1).
c) Select a virtual level (for example VIDEO) and select the physical level.
NOTE: It is important to have the same virtual level for all routers, since those routers will be bind together with tie lines |
7. Do the following sub-steps for all routers:
a) On the Devices menu, click Add device.
b) Set a mnemonic name and choose the proper level set (for example DEV 1 and level set ROUTER1).
c) Set the proper input/output port (for example 1, 1).
NOTE: To go more quickly, you may also choose to add devices in Tasks | Add multiple devices. |
d) Select the proper prefix (DEV), set the proper number of devices (32) and select the proper level set (ROUTER1).
e) On the Finish menu, click Finish.
8. If you do not have free output and input ports, navigate to Configuration | Device, and then delete a device that will be used as a tie line (for example DEV 31, 32 and OUT 1, 2).
9. On the Configuration menu, click Tielines.
10. Add tie line, set tie-line name (for example tieline1).
11. Select upstream router (for example ROUTER1_PL1).
12. Select downstream router (for example ROUTER2_PL1).
13. Drag your mouse from an upstream port to a downstream port.
14. On the upstream panel (left side) and downstream panel (right side) make sure you check the check box where you see VIDEO level.
15. Click Save.
16. Open Router Manager Configurator.
17. Add a physical router.
18. Select NV9000 virtual with the IP address of your controller.
19. Click Save.