Configuration Interface > Detailed Directions > Configuring Routers > Configuring Logical Routers
Configuring Logical Routers
A Logical Router is a virtual router whose functionality is determined by the software. Logical routers have a name, sources and destinations. See the following table for common tasks associated with logical routers.

NOTE: Although it is possible to perform any of the following as stand-alone tasks, Grass Valley recommends you familiarize yourself with the sample workflow on page 2 in which these tasks comprise only one step within a sequence.


IMPORTANT: Once you have configured the logical router, it is important not to change its name. Doing so will disable any settings that refer to the existing router name, including:

logical source assignments for source or destination label

external router connection configurations

monitors and background actions associated with the logical router

automatic crosspoint changes on video monitors (router source property)

Note: If you change the name back to the original, everything should work as before.

Before beginning this procedure, make sure you have opened Router Manager Configurator (click HERE).
To do this... this...
Display all currently defined logical routers
Select the Logical routers folder in the left pane.
Display general information about a logical router
1. Expand the Logical routers folder in the left pane.
2. Select the appropriate logical router.1
Define a new logical router
1. Select the Logical routers folder in the left pane.
2. Click Add router in the right pane.
Delete a logical router
1. Select the Logical routers folder in the left pane.
2. Select the logical router you wish to remove in the right pane.
3. Click Remove router in the right pane.
Modify the general settings of a logical router
1. Select the appropriate logical router in the left pane.
2. Modify its general settings under the Configuration tab in the right pane.2
Modify the settings of one of a logical router’s levels
1. Expand the appropriate logical router folder in the left pane.
2. Select the appropriate level, and then modify the settings in the right pane.3
Map physical sources to logical levels
1. Select the folder of the appropriate logical router in the left pane.
2. Click on the Sources mapping tab in the right pane.
3. Type and select the desired labels4 and physical sources, as required.5
Map physical destinations to logical levels
1. Select the folder of the appropriate logical router in the left pane.
2. Click on the Destination mapping tab.
3. Type the desired label.
4. Select the desired physical destinations.

1 The list of levels is blank when a new router is selected.

2 The name of the logical router should be unique within the LAN.

3 The logical level ID is the internal identifier of the logical level and should be unique within a logical router. If it's not unique, then you will get an error message when you try to save changes.

4 You may alternately choose to import labels.

5 You may alternately choose to use the Auto Map feature to automatically generate mapping based on the information available. The results of automapping may be manually overridden, if necessary.