Operating Interface > Key Concepts > Destination locks

Destination locks

The settings in the Matrix View window may be locked, and when locked, they cannot be changed until the lock is removed. Locked selections appear red on the screen. The crosspoint, and also the row (destination) label on the left is red. Locking can occur in two ways:
Clicking on the row label box at the left of the screen opens a window which allows levels in that row to be locked. Options are: Lock all levels, Unlock all levels, Lock (with a subsidiary menu listing all currently unlocked levels in that row), and Unlock (with a subsidiary menu listing all currently locked levels in that row). The Single Bus View option is also found in this menu.

If Autolock is selected in the Preset area, then any change which is taken, in either PRESET or TAKE mode, is automatically locked on all levels...

NOTE: Locking occurs immediately; the TAKE/PRESET rules do not apply.