Configuring DynoZoom on the K2 Summit system

Use the GV DynoZoom application on the K2 Summit 3G system system to configure the DynoZoom Frame.
  1. On the K2 Summit 3G system system, from the Windows operating system desktop, open the GV DynoZoom shortcut.

    A DynoZoom application start up screen opens. Initial startup processes can take several minutes.

    When start up process complete, the application opens in a minimized state, available on the Windows operating system taskbar.

    By design, the DynoZoom application opens in a minimized state, so it does not interfere with your primary operation of the K2 Summit 3G system.

  2. In the Windows operating system taskbar, click the DynoZoom taskbar button.

    The GV DynoZoom application opens and reports configuration status.

  3. Verify current configuration status.

    A green report indicates normal operation. A red report indicates an error condition, such as a 4K in/out cable disconnected.

  4. Click Config.

    The Configuration panel opens.

  5. For DynoZoom operation, set Video Input to SDI 1-4.
  6. Set Video Output to your desired DynoZoom output format.

    This format is delivered at the SDI Out 1 connector on the DynoZoom Frame.

    You can also use the DynoZoom tool on the K2 Dyno Replay Controller to configure the DynoZoom output format.

  7. Set Video Output Timing as appropriate for your system.
  8. Click Save.

Ensure the GV DynoZoom application remains open and running on the K2 Summit 3G system system during DynoZoom operations. If the application closes, operations fail. If desired, add the GV DynoZoom application to the Windows operating system Startup Programs so that it always opens after a system restart.

Note: On a K2 Summit system that supports DynoZoom, the DynoZoom board in the K2 Summit system and the DynoZoom Frame must be connected via PCIe and the DynoZoom Frame must be powered on before the K2 Summit system is powered on.

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