Other Topic Library Versions

Button and keyboard names and functions

Some buttons have function names at the top and bottom. To use a bottom function, just press the desired button. To use a top function, press the Shift button, and then press the desired button.

No. Name Function
1 New PL Creates and displays a new playlist.
Add PL Stores the selected item to a playlist.
2 Add Lib Stores the selected item to a library.
Add HL Stores the selected item to a highlight.
3 Match Moves the playback pointer to the position with the same timecode on the record train for the current angle.
Cue Up Cues up to the selected item.
4 M2 (Future use)
M1 (Future use)
5 Shift Performs the function indicated at the top of the buttons, or to perform the functions indicated at the top of the menu panels that are displayed at the bottom of the touch screen.
6 E Switch E and continue.
A Switch A and continue.
7 F Switch F and continue.
B Switch B and continue.
8 G Switch G and continue.
C Switch C and continue.
9 H Switch H and continue.
D Switch D and continue.
10 Fn Turns to the function mode. If you press the Fn button and then press a corresponding button, the button action that is performed may be different from from the normal one.
11 Fast Fast Jog mode On/Off.

Playback 100% speed.
12 Open Opens the bin or playlist. Cues an asset.

Stops the playback.

Cues previous and continue.

Cues next and continue.
15 Local Controls your replay in still, slow motion, or normal playout mode.
Live Go LIVE mode.
16 Brws Opens Browse menu.
Mark Adds mark.
17 PGM On-air program mode or Multi-channel mode toggle.
P1 Select P1 channel (Gang off).
18 PVW On-air preview mode or Multi-channel mode toggle
P2 Select P2 channel (Gang off).
19 M/E Flying M/E On/Off
PL Displays the Playlist screen.
21 Send Transfer.
Goto Opens goto window.
22 Top Go to the beginning of the item.
In Mark In.
23 Btm Go to the end of the item.
Out Mark Out.
24 Trim Enter trim mode, Cancel.
Take Close, skip. In PGM/PVW mode push to air.
25 T-Bar Moving the T-Bar permits playback speed control.
26 Jog Knob Turning the Jog Knob permits scrubbing (forward and backwards playback).
Functions when you press each quick keys are listed below:

Functions for keyboard shortcuts are listed below:

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