Using ShareFlex with playlists

Changing a remotely cued playlist affects the playlist at the local level. You cannot add local clips to remote playlists.  When adding remote clips to a local playlist, an FTP transfer is required to allow local and remote clips to be combined.
  1. Open the LIBRARY screen to navigate to a shared K2 Summit system.
  2. Select the desired session created by the remote K2 Dyno Replay Controller.
  3. Open the remote Playlist Bin and locate the desired Playlist.
  4. Select the playlist in one of the following ways:
    • Double-tap the playlist
    • Tap the playlist and press the Shift | Open buttons on the K2 Dyno S Replay Controller.
  5. Press the PL button three times to cue for playback.
For future quick access, add the remote Highlight bins and Playlist bins to your local Favorites Bar.

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