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Setting Up a Multi-Summit Session

A multi-Summit session uses ShareFlex to send material from record channels to players. If a Summit has ShareFlex capabilities, a ‘Share’ button will appear next to the Summit name. All Summits in a multi-Summit session should have sharing turned on. The auto-sensing feature will recognize networked Summits as the join or leave the network. You do not have to refresh Dyno S to get an update of what is connected. If your network has already been configured, you may set up a multi-Summit session without configuration changes. If you have to configure your network, see the “Configuring your network” topic.

  1. To connect to a machine from the Server list, select the Summit name from the list and tap Connect. This Summit is considered the local Summit. A list of existing sessions is shown. When sharing is turned on, any session from a machine that includes the local Summit will also be listed.

    If you delete a particular session, Dyno will identify other Summits on that session. Dyno will then send delete commands to the other Summits to delete that material. To delete a session:
  2. Tap to select it from the list and tap the Delete key. You may select multiple sessions by tapping on them and then tapping the Delete key. Note that the player channels are always at the top of the panel. To create a new session:
  3. Tap New Session from the pane. The New Session screen displays the New Session. Note that the player channels are always at the top of the panel. Because ShareFlex is turned on, the other Summits are offered as potential channels you can use. The local machine will display as M0, the remote machines will display as M1 or M2. You can connect up to 3 Summits.

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