Other Topic Library Versions

Configuring transfer destinations

There are two permanent transfer destinations as described below followed by a number of user defined transfer destinations.

  • Paste destination — Allows you to modify the settings when performing copy and paste to a folder or bin.
  • AddLib destination — Allows you to change the path and options for the AddLib button on the K2 Dyno panel.

  1. To create a new transfer rule, do the following:
    1. Tap NEW to create a new transfer destination.
    2. Tap BROWSE and navigate to the bin or folder where you would like to transfer to.
    3. Tap ACCEPT to save the destination that you have chosen.
    4. If your transfer destination is a location that you cannot browse to, tap PATH to manually type in the full path of the destination.
  2. Configure transfer rules as follows:
    Setting or button Description
    Start send using Select one from the following:
    • Panel — starts the transfer when using the SEND button on the panel or screen.
    • Fkey — starts the transfer using the assigned Fkey. To assign or change the current Fkey, press SET FKEY followed by the desired key (e.g. F8 or Shift+F4).
    • Alt + Z — starts the transfer when the Alt+Z key combination is pressed on the keyboard
    Note: This setting cannot be changed for the Copy/Paste and AddLib transfer destinations.
    File type When transferring to a file, select GXF, MXF, or MOV as your target format.
    Send angles Select the angles that you would like to be transferred. Selecting no angles will send the primary angle only.
    Archive Add XML will include a separate XML file with archive data. For more details, refer to Archive.
    Export audio as Select one from the following:
    • Original Audio — keeps the original audio tracks. Audio mapping settings will be preserved when used on a K2 Summit system.
    • Mapped Audio — applies audio mapping settings permanently for use with external systems.
    Note: Some options are only available when transferring to a folder and are not available when transferring to a K2 Summit bin.
  3. If your transfer destination requires a different set of credentials, these can be entered on the FTP Login tab.
    1. Tap FTP LOGIN once you have selected the transfer destination.

    2. Enter your domain (optional) and the user name in the User box.
    3. Enter your password in the Password box.

    By default, you can use the GVAdmin account credentials for any destination bin. To use other user accounts for transfer, you must enter the user name and password in the FTP LOGIN tab.

    Note: When using a drive that is mapped on a K2 Summit system that requires different credentials as your transfer destination, you must also provide the credentials to K2 Dyno.

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