Other Topic Library Versions

Restriping a Timecode

You can modify the timecode for a clip in Dyno. When you use the restripe timecode feature to modify a clip’s timecode, the change is written as a permanent change in the clip. The timecode will be reflected in every use of that clip.

  1. Open the Highlight screen.
  2. Select the clip you want to modify.

  3. With the clip selected, select the clip properties box in the lower right of the screen. (It is labeled In: Out: and Dur:.) The clip properties screen displays.

  4. Select the Striped Timecode button. The number key pad screen displays.

  5. In Strip Timecode To:, enter the new timecode value and click OK. The timecode value of the clip is modified to reflect the change.

    The In point will have the timecode change that you made.

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