Other Topic Library Versions

Working with asset metadata

The properties dialog box displays information about an asset. The properties dialog box also includes a user defined metadata feature that allows you to define and add your own information about an asset. You can specify the metadata name, data type, and value.

The metadata you add for one asset automatically appears on properties pages for all existing and future assets, except with no value entered. The values you specify for an asset are retained with the asset for the following operations: copy, move, and send to. The metadata you define for an asset can be used as search criteria in advanced search.

Metadata types and their possible values are described in the following table.
Data Type Value Example: Name/Value
String User-defined string Producer: John Doe
Integer An integer value Episode: 4
Float A number expressed in floating point Version: 1.2
Date Date Air Date: 10/31/03
Boolean True or False QA: False

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