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Install software manually

Do not do this task if:
  • You use SiteConfig to install/upgrade software on the K2 Summit system.
Do this task if:
  • You install/upgrade software on the K2 Summit system manually, rather than using SiteConfig.
Note: You must use the same install/upgrade method now, either SiteConfig or manual, as you will use for installations and upgrades in the future. Do not switch between methods, using one method now and a different method for future installations and upgrades.

Find K2 software, SNFS software, and installation instructions in the topic library, or on the USB Recovery Flash Drive that you received with the upgrade kit.

  1. Install SNFS software. SNFS uses the settings restored from prestore.bat.
  2. Install K2 software. Refer to installation instructions in the topic library for procedures.

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