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Bind Luns

When you bind a LUN, you select one or more unbound disks and create a new LUN. The Storage Utility places this new LUN at the bottom of the list and numbers it accordingly. However, with internal storage, disk numbers are enforced by the chassis slot in which the disk resides. Therefore, depending on the number and sequence of LUNs created, it is possible that the LUN numbers and the disk numbers do not match. When you create a new file system, this mismatched numbering does not hamper functionality. However, to make the internal storage K2 system easy to service, you should retain the correct numbering sequence. To do this you must unbind all media LUNs and then bind disks in sequence. On a K2 Media Client, do not unbind LUN0, which is the system drive.

Refer to topics about direct-connect external storage before using this procedure on direct-connect systems.

  1. In the tree view, right-click the Unbound node and select Bind LUN.
  2. If online, messages appear “…offline mode now?” and “…continue?”. Click Yes to put the system in offline mode.

    AppCenter channels go offline.

    The Bind LUN dialog box opens showing all unbound disks for the controller listed in the Available Disk list.

  3. Make a LUN selection in the Bind Type drop-down list and proceed as follows:
    • RAID 0 — Optional for internal storage first generation K2 Summit systems and K2 Summit 3G systems.

      In the Available Disks list, select one media disk, then click the arrow button to add it to the Selected Disks list.

    • RAID 1 — For internal storage first generation K2 Summit systems and K2 Summit 3G systems.

      In the Available Disks list, select two contiguous disks, then click the arrow button to add them to the Selected Disks list. (TIP: Use ‘shift-click’ or ‘control-click’ to select disks.)

    • RAID 5/6 — For direct-connect storage and direct attached Summit on K2 Summit systems. Also applies to SAN.

      In the Available Disks list, select six contiguous disks, then click the arrow button to add them to the Selected Disks list. (TIP: Use ‘shift-click’ or ‘control-click’ to select disks.)

    Note: As an aid in identifying a disk module’s physical location, select it in the Selected Disks list, then click the Identify button. This causes the disk drive LED to flash.

    For Fiber Channel SAN system with M110 storage, you will see Fiber Channel SAN an option in the Bind LUN screen. Select the check box to bind the disks in 512 byte sector size. For Direct Attach standalone Summit systems, the storage utility will automatically bind the disks in 512 byte size.

    Note: When binding the disks, you must bind the disks from top to bottom (as it appears in Storage Utility, you cannot skip any disks.
    Note: Disks must be of the same capacity within each LUN/RANK. Binding wil fail if the disks are not of the same size and capacity and you will get an unknown error.

    If you are binding LUNs with expansion chassis, the Storage Utility screen will appear similar to the following:

  4. Click OK to close the Bind LUN dialog box and begin the binding process. The Progress Report opens and displays binding progress.
  5. Repeat the previous steps for remaining unbound disks. You do not need to wait until the first LUN is bound before you can start binding the next LUN. Multiple LUNs can be in the binding process all at the same time.
  6. When progress reports 100% complete for all the LUNs that you are binding, proceed to the next step.
  7. Restart the K2 system.
  8. After binding one or more new LUNs, you must make a new file system.

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