About K2 SAN licensing

When you purchase your K2 SAN, Grass Valley sizes the SAN according to your requirements for bandwidth and other considerations. Part of this sizing exercise is the application of the appropriate license for your SAN.

The K2 SAN license enables bandwidth in increments. A SAN with no license allows the lowest amount of bandwidth. With a license installed, additional bandwidth is allowed according to the 100MB/s bandwidth increment per count embedded in the license.

The SAN license is a Sabretooth license. The license is installed on K2 Media Servers for roles of iSCSI bridge or SNFS LAN Gateway. When you receive your SAN new from Grass Valley, the license is pre-installed. The K2Config application references the license on the K2 Media Server. When you add a client you specify its bandwidth and the K2Config application subtracts this bandwidth from the amount allowed by the license. The K2Config application reports when the total amount allowed is consumed and then does not allow you to add any more clients.

If you do not already have the highest bandwidth license on an existing system and you need more bandwidth and/or client connections, you can upgrade the license. You can replace your existing license with a license that has a higher bandwidth increment count embedded. You must consult with Grass Valley for a re-evaluation of your system design as part of the upgrade process. Some systems can require additional disks to support the increased bandwidth enabled by the license upgrade.

Copyright © 2020 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. K2 Summit 10.1.3 gvtp_20200819_01:49:13