Saving settings before generic reimage

  1. If you are working on a K2 client SAN-attached system, record iSCSI or LAN Connect bandwidth settings, so you can reconfigure after removing and re-adding to SAN.
  2. Make sure you are logged in to the K2 Summit system with administrator privileges.
  3. Connect the USB Recovery Flash Drive to a USB port on the K2 Summit system.
  4. On the USB Recovery Flash Drive, navigate to the following location: \tools\SaveRestoreScripts.
    Note: Do not attempt to use the same Recovery Flash Drive on multiple systems.
  5. Run the following and wait for the process to complete: psave.bat

    This saves current settings onto the USB Recovery Flash Drive in the \settings directory.

  6. Disconnect the USB Recovery Flash Drive.

Copyright © 2020 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. K2 Summit 10.1.3 gvtp_20200819_01:49:13