If you install software manually

Do not do the tasks in this section if:
  • You use SiteConfig to install/upgrade software on the K2 Summit system.
Do the tasks in this section if:
  • You install/upgrade software on the K2 Summit system manually, rather than using SiteConfig.
Note: You must use the same install/upgrade method now, either SiteConfig or manual, as you will use for installations and upgrades in the future. Do not switch between methods, using one method now and a different method for future installations and upgrades.

Follow the task in this section sequentially.

Copyright © 2005 - 2020 GVBB Holdings SARL and Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. K2 Summit 10.1.4 gvtp_20201103_00:48:25