Media (iSCSI or LAN Connect) network description

The media network is exclusively either for iSCSI traffic or LAN Connect on a K2 SAN. It must be on a different subnet than the control network and the streaming/FTP network. Furthermore, its traffic is kept physically separate from that of other networks. This separation is provided by dedicated ports, cables, and by a dedicated VLAN on the Ethernet switch or by separate switches. Static IP addresses are required for the media network. Name resolution is not necessary, so media network IP addresses are not required in host files.

The media network applies to online K2 SANs. Nearline K2 SANs do not have a media network.

Redundant K2 SANs have redundant media networks: an A media network and a B media network. The two networks are on separate subnets and are also physically separated onto the A Ethernet switch and the B Ethernet switch. InterSwitch Links (ISLs) between switches do not carry media (iSCSI or LAN Connect) traffic. ISLs provide redundant paths for control network traffic and streaming/FTP network traffic only.

Devices are on the media network as follows:
  • Shared Storage K2 client - On a redundant K2 SAN, the A media port connects to the A media network and the B media port connects to the B media network.
  • K2 Media Server - A server has one port available for connection to a media network. On a redundant K2 SAN, one server is on the A media network and one server is on the B media network.

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