Cleaning unreferenced files and movies

  • You must access Storage Utility (via the K2Config application login) with permissions equivalent to K2 administrator or higher.
  • When you access Storage Utility, the K2 SAN must be online.
  • All iSCSI or LAN Connect clients and K2 clients in the K2 SAN must be online.
  • K2 Media Servers with role of file system/metadata server, both primary and redundant, must be powered up but online.

These procedures allow you to keep the media database and the media files in sync. You can check the movies (clips) in the media database for the references to media files that should be currently stored on the media disks. Likewise, you can check for media files that are not referenced by a movie in the media database. If you find any unreferenced files or movies, you can delete them.

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