Creating Subclips

A subclip is a clip created by referencing a portion of media from another clip. For example, if you recorded a two hour clip, you could create several short subclips to use as previews or advertisements. Each subclip refers to a small portion of the original clip and is listed along with all other clips in the clips pane. When working with subclips, the original clip is sometimes called the source clip. After creating subclips, you can delete the source clip.

Subclips created from a clip that is still recording can only have a mark-out equal to the last frame that has been recorded when the subclip is created. You cannot create a subclip longer than what has been recorded with the assumption the media will “fill in”. You can create subclips from a clip being recorded in loop record mode. In loop record mode, media referenced by the subclips is retained while unreferenced media is discarded.

You can load subclips in the Control view and edit the mark-in/mark-out points the same as a clip, provided the unreferenced source media has not been erased.


If the source media has been erased, the subclip retains 1 second of media on each side of the mark-in and mark-out points.

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