Using AFD with file transfers

The following tables describe the AFD file priorities and the AFD behavior with GXF and MXF transfers.

File transfer AFD priority
1 AFD from the MXF or GXF metadata is copied to the K2 clip properties.
2 If the MXF stream contains an ancillary data track with AFD ancillary data packets and Active Format Descriptor attribute of the Generic Picture Essence descriptor in the MXF header metadata is absent, then the AFD value for the K2 clip is derived from the AFD ancillary data packet located around 2 seconds into the material. That AFD value is then copied to the K2 clip properties.
3 If there is no AFD in the MXF, the GXF, or the data track, then no AFD is set.
GXF Export: (both AFD and ARC values inserted into XML of stream)
Condition Description
Exported to K2 system that does not support AFD AFD setting is ignored, but setting is retained with clip

ARC settings apply

Exported to K2 system that supports AFD AFD overrides ARC settings
GXF Import
Condition Description
Imported from K2 system that does not support AFD ARC converted to AFD
Imported from K2 system that supports AFD AFD overrides ARC settings
MXF Export
Condition Description
AFD from clip property added to properties of the video in the header metadata If clip property is not set, do not add property in stream
AFD from data track in stream’s ancillary data No change required
ARC is K2 specific and therefore not included in MXF transfers.
MXF Import
Imported stream has AFD in the header metadata AFD is stored in the clip property setting of the clip
Imported stream has AFD in the data track AFD is stored in the clip property setting of the clip. (AFD is taken from the ancillary data two seconds from the beginning, or, if the clip is less than 2 seconds long, from the last valid AFD.)
Imported stream has no AFD No AFD
ARC is K2 specific and therefore not included in MXF transfers.

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