Other Topic Library Versions

Supported conversions from HD to SD using AFD

Source AFD and aspect ratio Source image Conversion performed Converted AFD and aspect ratio Converted image
AFD = 1000 or 1010

AR = 16:9

Scale down


AFD = 1010

AR = 4:31

AFD = 1001

AR = 16:9

Scale down

crop horizontal

AFD = 1001

AR = 4:3

AFD = 1010

AR = 16:9

Scale down AFD = 1010

AR = 16:92

AFD = 1011

AR = 16:9

Scale down

Crop horizontal


AFD = 1011

AR = 4:3

AFD = 1111

AR = 16:9

Scale down

crop horizontal

AFD = 1001

AR = 4:3

1 When play channel video settings Aspect Ratio is set to "Standard (4:3)"
2 When play channel video settings Aspect Ratio is set to "Widescreen (16:9)"

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