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Add Macintosh systems to K2 system hosts file

  1. On a K2 system, open the hosts file in a text editor.
  2. Following the convention in the hosts file, enter text in one line for each Final Cut Pro Macintosh system as follows:
    1. On a text line, type a Macintosh system's control network IP address.
    2. Use the TAB key or Space bar to insert a few spaces.
    3. On that same text line after the space, type the machine name, such as MacClient01. The machine name cannot have any spaces in it.
    This sets up the host file for resolving the machine name on the control network.
  3. Save the hosts file.
  4. Similarly configure the hosts file on the other K2 systems.
  5. Copy the hosts file or otherwise make the hosts file accessible to each Final Cut Pro Macintosh system.

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