Other Topic Library Versions

Adding media to your Final Cut Pro project

  1. Locate and select the media to add to your project.
  2. Select the method for adding the media to your project.
    • Add reference clips and sequence — Select to add the associated assets to the Final Cut Pro project.
    • Edit in place – Use this method to add a clip to the bin without moving the media. With this method you are playing and editing the clip over the network. This is the preferred method on a shared storage system such as a K2 SAN.
    • Transfer Locally – Use this method to transfer the media corresponding to the clip to your desired location. This is the preferred method if your editor is connected via CIFS to a stand-alone K2 client. Depending on clip size, the transfer can take a significant amount of time. Wait until the cursor no longer indicates that the operation is in progress before proceeding.
      Note: Do not add media to a project if the transfer is still underway.
  3. Click Add to Project. The media is added to your Final Cut Pro project.
  4. To return to Final Cut Pro, close the GV Connect plug-in.

Edit the media as desired in Final Cut Pro. When you are finished you can export the media back to K2 storage.

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