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Removing a K2 SAN

  • You must be logged in to the K2Config application with permissions equivalent to GV administrator or higher.
  • For ongoing maintenance and support, you must always have at least one control point from which you can access the K2 SAN with the SiteConfig application and with the K2Config application. If you have installations of these applications on multiple control point PCs, do not remove the K2 SAN from all control point PCs at the same time.
The K2 SAN can continue operations while it is removed from the K2Config application. As long as you are removing only the complete K2 SAN and not removing any individual devices, there is no need to put devices offline or restart devices.
  1. In the SiteConfig application, remove the devices of the K2 SAN.
  2. In the K2Config application tree view, select the name of the K2 SAN, which is the top node of the storage system tree.
  3. Click Remove. The SAN is removed from the tree view.

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