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Uninstall K2 FCP Connect software on Macintosh systems

If you ever need to uninstall K2 FCP Connect from your Macintosh system, use the following procedure. This removes all files associated with K2 FCP Connect from the Macintosh system, including Mono software.

  1. Procure the K2 FCP Connect uninstall program file. Refer to K2 FCP Connect Release Notes for information on obtaining the uninstall program file.
  2. On the Macintosh system, double-click UninstallK2FCPConnect.pkg. The uninstall program opens.
  3. Click Continue. The Installation Type screen opens.

  4. Click Install and when prompted enter the Macintosh system's administrator username and password. Software uninstalls.

  5. On the Xtend SAN uninstall screen, make sure you click Done. If you do not do so, the K2 FCP Connect uninstallation stalls.
    Note: The Xtend SAN screen can be partially obscured behind the K2 FCP Connect install screen.
  6. Click Close when the uninstallation completes successfully.

All files associated with K2 FCP Connect are removed from the Macintosh system.

If an application that is currently installed on the Macintosh system requires Mono software, you must re-install the Mono software.

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