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Shutting down or restarting a K2 client

  • All media access on the K2 client must be stopped.

Your options for shutting down a K2 client are as follows:

  • Do a local shutdown/restart via AppCenter. Assuming a keyboard, monitor, and mouse is connected to the local K2 client, in AppCenter select System | Shutdown, then select Shutdown or Restart and OK. AppCenter exits, Windows shuts down and powers off the K2 client.
  • Do a local shutdown/restart via Windows. Assuming a keyboard, monitor, and mouse is connected to the local K2 client, if AppCenter is not open, you can use the normal Windows procedure to shutdown. You can also do this type of shutdown/restart using the Windows Remote Desktop Connection.
  • In the SiteConfig tree view right-click the K2 Client and select Shutdown or Restart.
  • Do a remote shutdown/restart via the K2Config application. In the tree view select the K2 client and then click Shutdown or Restart.
  • Do a local hard shutdown. Use this method only when there is a problem that prevents you from using one of the other methods for an orderly shutdown. To do a hard shutdown, hold down the standby button for approximately five seconds. To restart, press the standby button again.

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