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Playing a playlist

You can perform the following operations to play a playlist using the AppCenter user interface. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts for all transport controls.
To... Do this...
Begin playing at the top of the list Open the list, then press the Play button on the onscreen transport controls.
Continue playout after a pause in the list Press the Play button on the onscreen transport controls.
Play the specified timecode Select Goto, and then choose Timecode in the Goto pop-up menu. Specify a timecode in the dialog box and click OK.
Play the next event Select Goto, and then choose Next Event in the Goto pop-up menu.
Play the next section Select Goto, and then choose Next Section in the Goto pop-up menu.
Play an event or section First, select the event or section, then click Goto, and choose Selection in the Goto pop-up menu. Then press the Play button on the onscreen transport controls.
Avoid delays when jumping to a new event or section First select the new event or section, then wait until the diamond or standby icon is filled in before jumping to the new event or section.

Playlists always play the default audio tracks, even when named mapping is in place.

Copyright © 2017 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. K2 Summit 9.7 gvtp_20170117_17:59:42