Other Topic Library Versions

Checking the media file system

  • Media operations must be stopped. You must put the standalone K2 System offline as part of this procedure.

This procedure checks the media file system but retains current media files.

  1. In Storage Utility, click Tools | Check File System.
  2. If online, messages appear “…offline mode now?” and “…continue?”. Click Yes to put the system in offline mode. AppCenter channels go offline.
  3. A message box appears “Checking media file system. Please wait”. Observe progress. If problems are discovered they are reported. If the check process passes, when the process is complete a message appears to confirm success.

  4. Click OK to dismiss the results.
  5. Messages appear “…online mode now?” and “…continue?”. Do one of the following:
    • Click Yes to put the system in online mode. This is the recommended option in most cases. For example, even if you plan to next clean unreferenced files and/or movies, that operation requires that the system be online, so you should put it online now. When you click Yes, AppCenter channels go online.
    • Click No to keep the system in offline mode. This is not recommended for most cases. Only do this when you are sure that subsequent operations require the system to be offlline.

Your file system has been checked.

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