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Install K2 software

If you uninstalled the previous version of K2 software, you must restart the K2 client at least once before installing the new version of K2 software.

  1. Log in with a local administrator account. This is required to support K2 System Software licensing.
    Note: When installing K2 system software, you must be logged in with a local administrator account. Do not install software using a domain account.
  2. If installation files are on a connected external USB drive, copy the installation files to the local drive before proceeding.
  3. Access the installation files.
  4. Locate and open the following file: For K2 Summit Production Client or K2 Solo Media Server — K2SummitClient.exe
  5. Follow the install wizard onscreen instructions, and work through each page.

  6. When you arrive at the Specify Target Type page, select the option as follows:
    Option Description
    K2 with local storage For installing on an internal storage K2 system or on a direct-connect storage K2 system.
  7. Click Next and Finish to complete the installation.
  8. Manage the required restart as follows:
    • Restart now.

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