Introduction to iControl > How iControl Works > Components of iControl > iC Navigator
iC Navigator
iC Navigator Views
General Status Manager (GSM)
iC Navigator is used to view, control and monitor Grass Valley and associated third-party devices. This application provides users with direct access to the control windows of all devices on an iControl network. Users can easily configure parameters, monitor functionality, pinpoint problems, and track errors. It supports administrative tasks such as status reporting and event logging.
iC Navigator presents devices and services in a hierarchical view. The tree-like structure lists all recognized devices and services along with descriptions, including name, type, associated comments, configuration status, frame and slot number.

iC Navigator lets users display device-specific control windows. Icons at the top of the control window provide a quick status indicator of key parameters. Color-coding enables operators working locally or remotely to quickly identify the operating status of a device or service. From iC Navigator, they can also display a configuration log panel for each device or service, which highlights error conditions.

iC Navigator also provides access to a Log Viewer (via the General Status Manager (GSM)—see below), which displays up to 100,000 of the most recent messages.

NOTE: Displaying more than 10,000 messages in the Log Viewer may require system adjustments to maintain acceptable performance levels.

iC Navigator leverages industry standard SNMP protocols, and can fully integrate third party control applications to create a complete facility-monitoring environment. With automated reactions to failures, and guided operator responses, the system can deliver dramatically reduced down times.