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Placing Clips

A clip is placed on the track with the position of the timeline cursor set as the In point.

Placing a Clip from the Bin

Place source clips on the timeline.

The operations and placement of clips when being placed depend on the source channel mapping, insert/overwrite mode, sync-lock (synchronization), and editing modes such as ripple mode.

Setting Channel Mapping

Editing Modes

1Move the timeline cursor to the position to place the clip on the timeline window.
2Click and select the clip in the bin to be placed on the timeline.
3Click [Add to Timeline] in the bin.

The clip is placed on the track with the position of the timeline cursor set as the In point.


When source channels are set so that video and audio channels 1 and 2 are placed on the 1VA track

Specifying the Range and Placing a Clip

You can set In and Out points to clips, and place only the necessary parts on the track.

1Click and select the clip to be placed on the timeline.
2Click [Show in Player] in the bin or source browser.

In the bin


In the source browser

The clip is displayed in the Player.

3Click [Play] on the Player.

The clip is played back in the Player.

4Click [Set In Point] on the Player at the beginning of the desired range.
5Click [Set Out Point] on the Player at the end of the desired range.
6Move the timeline cursor to the position to place the clip on the timeline window.
7Click [Insert to Timeline] on the Player.

The clip is placed on the track with the position of the timeline cursor set as the In point.

Setting Channel Mapping

Map the channels of the source clip (source channels) to the tracks on the track patch. When placing a clip to the timeline using a button or shortcut key, you can specify the track to place the clip.

1Click and select the clip in the bin to be placed on the timeline.

The source channel is displayed in the track patch.

When displaying a clip on the Player, the clip is displayed on the track patch in the same way.

When a clip in the source browser is selected, the source channels are displayed on the track patch according to the channel map in the project settings.


When the selected clip has video and 8 audio channels

The mapping is specified so that video and audio channels 1 and 2 are placed on the 1VA track, audio channels 3 and 4 on the 1A track, audio channels 5 and 6 on the 2A track, and audio channels 7 and 8 on the 3A track.

2Click on the track patch of the unnecessary source channel to disconnect it.

Each click connects/disconnects it alternately.

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