Utilizing the AMS-GUI

The following steps utilize the AMS–GUI for setup.

Important: Carefully enter the information exactly as shown, replacing this documentation's IP address / names with your company's information.
  1. Open a browser and navigate to the initial interface URL: (it may take a minute to find the system)

    If the following warning appears, click Advanced, then click Proceed to (unsafe).

    The EULA (End-User License Agreement) displays.

  2. Click AGREE to accept the EULA.
  3. Enter adminGV! as new password when prompted for both New Password and Confirm Password.
    Note: The password entered will be used for the root user account to access the AMS-GUI and the CLI.

  4. Click NEXT to accept the password changes.
  5. Proceed to the next task: Configure the Management Network (Hypervisor)

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