CommandCenter Designer

CommandCenter Designer can be used to create custom GUIs with the style of interface required; they can be viewed in the server or client. There is no limit to the number or type of devices that can be controlled. All of the intelligence is in the CommandCenter layout form (.clf) file, so user can determine how flexible a control can be, and what it looks like. All standard device interfaces are created from a Template (.ctf) file and the control templates provide definable attributes/functionality. Duplication of design is reduced by allowing panels (.clf) files to be added as a control element on another panel. Users can create ‘vari ables’ or data holders to store data either on the panel or to/from an XML file for static storage. Macro files (cmf) can be created for automated event reaction.

Panel templates should always be saved in the Forms\Hardware panels folder to ensure they work correctly.

The panel template (CPF) should be saved in the default location: Forms\ Hardware Panels. A panel will not necessarily work correctly if stored in a different folder.

CPF files are built around fixed button hardware panels but can also be used as a soft panels on a PC. To create a more custom panel, a CLF file can be used to provide unlimited flexibility and customization for PC or tablet GUI. CLFs are created in a similar way to how the CPF was created. The examples provided can also be modified to create custom panels.

CLF (CC Layout Forms) allow other types of panels to be created that are fully customizable in terms of button shapes, sizes and functionality. Button sizes can be chosen to be suitable for touch screen use. Customization allow a panel to be designed with integrated control for routing and production switchers, modular products, SNMP monitoring and generic devices. Custom panels enable the integration of control, monitoring signal status, alarms and video in a single control interface. Duplication of design is reduced by allowing: panels (CLF files) to be added as a control element on another panel and creation of panels control templates with definable attributes/functionality.

CommandCenter Designer has 4 views:
  • System view – Allowing drag and drop design of commonly used functions as in standard hardware panels. It does require the Router being used to be online to see the sources and destinations.
  • Update Editor – property editor for current object modification
  • Toolbox – view to select standard controls
  • XML View – Raw data editing

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