Trimming Operation Methods

Trimming on the Timeline

You can perform trimming while still in the standard mode by selecting and dragging a cut point. The edit result of trimming is dependent on the edit mode.

Switching the Editing Mode

The trimming type changes according to how the In and Out points are selected and keyboard combinations.

For details on respective trimming methods, see the respective page.

In point trim/Out point trim

Ripple Trim

Split Trim

Slide Trim

Slip Trim

Rolling Trim

1) Select the cut point of the trimming clip.

In point trim

Click the In point of the clip.

Out point trim

Click the Out point of the clip.

Ripple trim

Click [Shift] + In point or Out point.

Ripple trim (split)

Click [Alt] + [Shift] + In point or Out point.

Slide trim

Click [Ctrl] + [Shift] + In point or Out point.

Slide trim (split)

Click [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + In point or Out point.

Split trim

Click [Alt] + In point or Out point.

Slip trim

Click [Ctrl] + [Alt] + center of the clip.

Rolling trim

Click [Ctrl] + [Shift] + center of the clip.

Transition trim

Click the In or Out point of transition (clip transition, track transition)/audio cross fades.

Transition trim (both edges)

Click [Shift] + clip transition/audio cross fade.

2) Move the mouse cursor to the cut point or clip, and drag to the left and right when the mouse cursor changes shape.

In point trim/Out point trim

Ripple trim

Ripple trim (split)

Slide trim

Slide trim (split)

Split trim

Slip trim

Rolling trim

Transition trim

Transition trim (both edges)

Trimming on the Preview Window

You can perform trimming by dragging the mouse on the preview window in the trim mode.


  • The trim mode (transition) is not available in the preview window.

1) Click [Mode] on the menu bar, and click [Trimming Mode].

2) Select the trimming clip.

3) Click the respective button at [Trimming Mode] in the trim window, and select the cut point.

4) Move the mouse cursor to the preview window, and drag to the left and right when the cursor changes shape.

Trimming by Entering the Timecode

In the trim mode, the sequence timecode and the source timecode are displayed in the preview window, and you can execute trimming by entering numerical values.

1) Click [Mode] on the menu bar, and click [Trimming Mode].

2) Select the trimming clip.

3) Click the respective button at [Trimming Mode] in the trim window, and select the cut point.

4) Enter the timecode.

5) Press [Enter] on the keyboard.

Timecode of Trim Window

The upper level is the timecode of the sequence, and the lower level is the timecode of the source. Numerical values can be entered in either level for trimming.


Number of frames moved from focused cut point


Timecode of the focused cut point (Out point of clip)


Timecode of the focused cut point (In point of clip)


Length of clip to be trimmed (clip on Out point side)


Length of clip to be trimmed (clip on In point side)


Timecode at timeline cursor


Length of transition/audio cross fades to be trimmed

* The items displayed may differ depending on the size of the preview window.


Slide trimming

Trimming by Shortcut Keys

The In and Out point sides of the timeline cursor can be trimmed by shortcut keys.

You can perform trimming from the In point up the timeline cursor by [N] on the keyboard and from the timeline cursor up to the Out point by [M].The trimming type changes according to the keyboard combination.

1) Select the clip to be trimmed.

2) Move the timeline cursor to the trimming position.

3) Press a key on the keyboard to perform trimming.

In point trim


Out point trim


Ripple trim (In point side)

[Alt] + [N]

Ripple trim (Out point side)

[Alt] + [M]

Slide trim (In point side)

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [N]

Slide trim (Out point side)

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M]

Split trim (In point side)

[Shift] + [N]

Split trim (Out point side)

[Shift] + [M]


When the Out point side of the clip has been trimmed by slide trim ([Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M])

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