Other Topic Library Versions

Accessing media

Removable media devices are automatically detected when attached to the system or mapped to a network drive. The RMI tool requires one of the following types of GV STRATUS clients:
  • Low-resolution (proxy) client PC with SMB access to K2 storage.
  • High-resolution client PC on K2 media (iSCSI) network, which requires the GV STRATUS high resolution license.
Once the RMI tool detects specific clip formats, it populates the list in the RMI panel.

Media detection modes are as follows:

  • Active clip detection mode — When you launch the RMI panel, the application checks the folder structure on all the windows mapped drives from A to Z that it detects. Once the application detects a removable media folder structure, the application locates all clips in that drive and populates the clip list to be shown on the panel.
  • Passive clip detection mode — When you introduce a new drive to the system, the application checks whether the new drive has a removable media folder structure. If it does, the application locates all clips contained in the new drive and populates the clip list.

The application also monitors the drive for media removal. Once the removable media is ejected, the clip list is cleared from the RMI panel.

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