Other Topic Library Versions

The RMI tool

RMI is the acronym for Removable Media Interface. It is the tool that populates and ingests files from multiple removable media devices such as P2 and XDCAM. The RMI tool requires a GV STRATUS client with access to high-resolution assets. The Removable Media Interface (RMI) allows you to populate and ingest files from multiple removable media devices. In the GV STRATUS application, RMI appears as a tool in the Navigator panel. The RMI tool allows you to populate files from the Panasonic P2, Sony XDCAM, Sony XDCAM EX, and JVC removable media devices.

RMI panel features are as follows:
  • RMI toolbar — Consists of buttons for adding removable media, populating clip list, and importing clips.
  • Clip list — Populates the clip list once removable drive is detected.
  • Media ID section — Allows you to add Media ID, base clip name, overwrite default clip name, and change the default import location.

Standard Asset List features such as filter list, sort list, asset tooltip, and customization of View Mode are available in the RMI tool.

You can also drag and drop clips within the list to change the order of the clip list.

If GV STRATUS security is enforced, your credentials must give you adequate permissions on bins, assets, metadata, markers, and keywords.

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