Configuration Interface > Detailed Directions > Configuring Routers Dynamically > Exclusions Tab
Exclusions Tab
This tab allows you to exclude certain router inputs from appearing on certain outputs. For example, one might inhibit a VTR's output from being fed back to its input.
A matrix shows sources across the top, and destinations down the left side.

The following tasks can be performed on the Exclusions tab:
Before beginning this procedure, make sure you have opened Router Manager Configurator (click HERE).
To do this... this...
Configure exclusions.
1. In the matrix on the right pane, click the box at the intersection of the appropriate column and row (source and destination, respectively) for each exclusion you would like to configure.
The selected boxes are marked with a black background and a white X.
2. Click Save.1
Undo changes and revert to the original status (before saving).
On the right pane, click Revert.
Change an existing exclusion.
In the matrix on the right pane, double-click the box corresponding to the exclusion you would like to remove.

1 If any exclusions are not allowed because of other choices made in the router definition, they will not appear on the matrix. A note will appear (highlighted in red) in the Status box at the top of the pane.