Alarms in iControl > Detailed Directions > Logging Acknowledgements as Events

Logging Acknowledgements as Events

Acknowledgements can be logged as events in the log viewer and log database.
In Event Log Viewer, there are columns for previous and new acknowledge statuses.

NOTE: By default, the acknowledgement columns do not display in the log viewer.

There is also a column for the user ID which is the IP address of the client. A new log entry is created for each change in a particular status including changes to the server latch or alarm acknowledgement. It is possible to query the database for specific acknowledgement transitions and alarm statuses.
The Alarm State area of the log viewer has an extra field labeled Text, that enables searching for additional information. For example, the text value of the button that was acknowledged in iC Web could provide valuable in‑context information about the acknowledged channel ID.

[ Graphic ] 

Alarm state filter area in Event Log Viewer

In the Alarm state area, the Ellipsis button () allows you to filter with multiple criteria selected.

NOTE: The system reads multiple criteria as a logical OR (e.g. selecting Critical and Disabled alarms will yield a single list that includes all Critical alarms and all Disabled alarms).


See also:  

For more information about: 

Filtering log searches with multiple criteria, click HERE.

Filtering log searches using textual elements as criteria, click HERE.