Fingerprint Comparison and Analysis > Sample Workflows > [Workflow]: Initial Setup—Administrator

[Workflow]: Initial Setup—Administrator

iControl allows you to configure settings for the fingerprint analysis feature. This feature relies upon the generation of signal fingerprints by supported Densité cards. A probed or referenced Densité card’s service subsequently sends the fingerprint to interested system entities.

IMPORTANT: Who performs these tasks?  

This section contains procedures typically performed by an administrator. These procedures are generally configuration tasks that must be completed before an operator can begin a fingerprint comparison (see the sample configuration workflow, below). However, several configuration tasks are possible during and after the operator performs a comparison.


IMPORTANT: Maximum recommended number of fingerprint channels  

Make sure your system does not exceed the maximum recommended number of fingerprint channels according to your hardware specifications (click HERE).


See also:  

For more information about fingerprint comparison and analysis, click HERE.

A sample workflow of initial configuration tasks is as follows:
Initial configuration tasks  
Enable the Audio/Video Fingerprint Analyzer Service on your Application Server (click HERE).
Open Audio Video Fingerprint Analyzer (click HERE).
Configure Fingerprint Analyzer Service alarms according to your individual needs (click HERE).
Create a comparison group of input sources, including a reference source (click HERE).
Assign all desired input sources (including the reference source) to your comparison group (click HERE).
Designate one of the assigned sources as the Reference (click HERE).
Configure each assigned source’s channel assignments, as required (click HERE).