Fingerprint Comparison and Analysis > Detailed Directions > Monitoring and Analyzing Comparison Data > Monitoring Fingerprint Comparison Data > Monitoring Comparison Data with Audio Video Fingerprint Analyzer
Monitoring Comparison Data with Audio Video Fingerprint Analyzer


Make sure you meet the following conditions before beginning this procedure: 
Your comparison group already exists and is configured (click HERE).
You have initiated a comparison between the reference source and one or more probed sources (click HERE).
You have opened Audio Video Fingerprint Analyzer (click HERE).
[RECOMMENDED]: You are performing this procedure as a task within the context of an approved workflow (click HERE).
1. In Audio Video Fingerprint Analyzer, click on the Status tab.
2. Use the vertical scroll bar (if there is one) to scroll down to the area corresponding to the comparison group whose data you would like to view.

See also:  

For more information about the Status tab of Audio Video Fingerprint Analyzer, click HERE.