Only necessary parts can be copied when Grass Valley HQ or DV codec AVI files, for example, are imported to the hard disk on the PC.
You can set to automatically copy the data between In and Out points when importing a file on a device to the timeline or the bin after displaying that file on the Player and setting the In and Out points.
Registering Clips on the Player to the Bin
Registering between In and Out Points to the Bin As a Separate Clip (Subclip)
Setting In/Out Points and Placing Clips
1) Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [User Settings].
2) Click the [Source] tree, and click [Partial Transfer].
3) Select [Target Clip], and check the required items in [Auto Transfer].
[Target Clip] |
Select the source to be partially transferred. When [Only from Removable Media] is selected, only clips directly referencing files on the device are targeted for partial transfer. When [From Removable Media and Hard Drive] is selected, both clips directly referencing files on the device and clips referencing files on the hard disk are targeted for partial transfer. When [Exclude Project Folder Drive] is unchecked, clips under the project folder are also targeted for partial transfer. |
[Auto Transfer] |
[When Added to the Timeline from Player] Check this item to execute partial transfer when the clip displayed on the Player has been placed on the timeline. [When Added to the Bin from Player] Checking this item executes partial transfer when the clip displayed on the Player has been added to the bin. |
[Margin] |
Set the margin to add. |
4) Click [OK].
5) Display the file in the device on the Player, and set the In and Out points.
6) Operate the buttons to add the clip to the timeline/bin.
Partial transfer is executed automatically according to the settings made above.
Partially transferred files are saved in the “Transferred” folder under the project folder.
When clips are directly referencing files in each device, only parts currently in use can be batch-copied to hard disk.
1) Click [File] on the menu bar, and click [Partial Transfer] → an item.
Partial transfer is started in the background, and the transferred file is saved under the project folder.
To cancel a partial transfer, select and right-click the job in the [Background Job] dialog box, and click [Stop] or [Stop All].
In the case of sources that are incompatible with partial transfer, a message is displayed so that you can select whether to transfer the entire source.
When a clip after partial transfer has become an offline clip, [Transfer the Missing Area] or [Undo transfer] can be selected from the [Restoration Method] list in the [Restore and Transfer Clips] dialog box.
When a clip partially transferred with EDIUS 5 is in use, it can be returned to its original clip.
Right-click the partially transferred clip, and click [Replace Partially Downloaded Clip with Original Clip]. When a clip directly referencing a file on a device has been partially transferred, the link destination is returned to the file on the device from the file after transfer.