This section explains how to check the information of the clip and change settings.
Change the clip frame rate or specify the start timecode in the [Clip Properties] dialog box.
1) Select a clip in the clip view, and click [Properties].
The [Clip Properties] dialog box appears.
Right-click a clip and click [Properties].
Correcting properties: [Alt] + [Enter]
2) Correct the settings, and click [OK].
The properties of multiple clips can be corrected in a single operation depending on the items to correct.
The displayed tab varies according to the type of clip.
[File] tab |
Check type, data size and other details of files. You can also rename clips, rename reels, enter comments, and change the clip display color. |
[Video] tab |
Check the start TC (timecode), end TC or image size. You can also change the start TC, poster frame, aspect ratio, color space, color correspondence range, field order, and frame rate. To return the settings to their state at capture, click [Back to Default Settings]. |
[Stereoscopic] tab |
If a clip is not a stereoscopic clip, divide a clip to handle it as a stereoscopic clip. |
[Audio] tab |
Check the start and end TCs, or re-acquire wave information (waveform representation of audio). |
[Still image] tab |
Check the format or image size. You can also change duration, aspect ratio, color space, and color correspondence range. |
[Extended] tab |
Check the expansion information of a file or clip. The details displayed differ depending on the clip type. |
[Captions] tab |
Set whether or not the caption information is to be used. If a closed caption file has been merged to the file, the saving destination of the currently referenced file can also be confirmed. |
In [Color Space] in the [Video] tab, color spaces of clips are automatically recognized and displayed.
If the color space of a clip is not recognized automatically, you can change it manually by clicking the list button of [Color Space] in the [Video] tab.
You can collectively rename clips with the same reference source in the bin or on the timeline.
1) Select and right-click on the clip to rename in the bin, and click [Rename related clips].
The [Rename related clips] dialog box appears.
2) Modify the settings, and click [OK].
[Name] |
Enter a new clip name and select the renaming target. [Clips have same original asset and name same as the selected clip.] Rename only clips with the same reference source and name as the selected clip. [All Clips have same original asset.] Rename all clips with the same reference source as the selected clip. |
When the clip view of the bin is set to [Detail] or [Icon], you can select multiple clips to rename the clips or change the clip display color as well as other settings at the same time.
The following items can be corrected in a single operation:
Clip name
Reel name
Clip display color
Frame rate
Aspect ratio
Field order
Color correspondence range
Color space
Dividing method
If an item you want to correct is not displayed, set the display item by [User Interface] in [User Settings] → [Bin].
You can edit the following multiple settings at one time.
Clip name
Reel name
1) Set the clip view of the bin to [Detail] or [Icon].
2) Select and right-click the multiple clips whose properties are to be changed, and click [Rename Clip].
Select multiple clips whose properties are to be changed, and click
Select the multiple clips whose properties are to be changed, and click [F2] on the keyboard.
3) Press [Tab] on the keyboard, and select the items to correct.
4) Enter the new content.
When a clip name has been corrected, branch numbers are added in order from the top based on the entered clip name.
When a reel name and comment have been corrected, entered content is reflected on all selected clips.
You can edit the following settings at one time.
Clip display color
Frame rate
Aspect ratio
Field order
Color correspondence range
Color space
Dividing method
1) Set the clip view of the bin to [Detail] or [Icon].
2) Select the multiple clips whose properties are to be changed.
, and select an item to correct.
“*” to the right of item displayed by clicking
indicates that the setting is the default setting.
To return the frame rate, aspect ratio, field order, color space, and dividing method of multiple clips to the default setting of each clip, click
and select [Back to default].
Change the settings for color bar, color matte, or title clip in the settings dialog box.
1) Right-click a color bar clip, color matte clip or title clip in the bin, and click [Edit].
The settings dialog box appears for color bar clips or color matte clips.
In the case of title clips, the title authoring software will start up.
Double-click a clip in the bin.
Select a clip in the bin, and press [Ctrl] + [Enter] on the keyboard.
AVCHD or HDV standard native files can be converted to AVI such as Grass Valley HQ codec and downconverted to SD image quality.
1) Right-click a clip in the bin, and click [Convert] → [File].
Multiple files can be converted in a single operation by selecting multiple clips and clicking [Convert] → [File(batch)].
2) Select the codec and image quality from the [Save as type] list, and click [Save].
If a stereoscopic clip is converted, it will convert to 2 stream AVI (1 file).
For MPEG format clips, setting to ensure faster seeking of files can be changed for each clip.
1) Right-click a clip in the bin, and click [MPEG Media Settings].
The [MPEG Media Settings] dialog box appears.
2) Set each item and click [OK].
Right-click a clip placed on the timeline, and click [MPEG Media Settings].
The above settings can be changed on all MPEG files to be imported to EDIUS.
[Use Accel. Seek] |
Set faster seeking of MPEG files. To speed up seeking, check this item first, and then check the following items if necessary. [Create Seek Information in Background] Collect the time stamp information of MPEG files at idling to speed up the seek. [Save Seek Information to File] Save the seek information as a reusable file. |
[A/V Synchronization Using PTS] |
Some MPEG files have no valid PTS (time stamp information). Check this item to decode files that have no PTS. Check this item to use the PTS (time stamp information) for synchronization of audio and video. |
[Get timecode from GOP header] |
Some MPEG files may have timecode information in their header. Check this item to use timecode information. |
[Dolby Digital] |
[Dynamic Range Control] Set the operation mode of the dynamic range for Dolby Digital Professional and Dolby Digital Plus. Select [System Setting] to use the setting value in the system setting. |
You can set whether to acquire timecode information from Picture Timing SEI by each clip to H.264 codec clips.
1) Right-click a clip in the bin, and click [H.264 Media Settings].
The [H.264 Media Settings] dialog box appears.
2) Set each item and click [OK].
[Get timecode from Picture Timing SEI] |
Check this item to acquire the timecode information from Picture Timing SEI. |
[Dolby Digital] |
[Dynamic Range Control] Set the operation mode of the dynamic range for Dolby Digital Professional and Dolby Digital Plus. Select [System Setting] to use the setting value in the system setting. |
Right-click a clip placed on the timeline, and click [H.264 Media Settings].
The above settings can be changed on all H.264 files to be imported to EDIUS.
Display the save destination folder for the clip.
1) Right-click a clip in the bin, and click [Explorer].
Explorer starts up, and the save destination folder for the clip is displayed.
You can open a file with application software associated to the file, for example, by opening *.psd files in Photoshop.
1) Right-click a clip in the bin, and click [Open].
Open the file with the application software associated to the file.
You can open a clip placed on the timeline by the associated application software by the following operation:
Right-click a clip placed on the timeline, and click [Open].
Click a clip placed on the timeline, and click [Clip] on the menu bar → [Open].
Opening clips placed on the timeline: [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [P]