You need to configure the connection to a K2 Media server before performing editing operations working with the K2 Media.
After configuring the connection, you can use the source browser to view a K2 Clip format clip stored on the storage drive that is managed by the K2 Media server.
1) Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [System Settings].
2) Click the [Importer/Exporter] tree, and click [K2 (SAN)] → [Server].
3) Set each item.
[Configure automatically] |
Check this item to automatically detect the server that can be used (K2 Media server). If the server is not detected, uncheck this item and set manually. |
[Server] |
This is the list of servers (K2 Media servers) that is displayed in the folder view of the source browser. |
[Add] |
Click this item to display the [Server settings] dialog box for adding connection servers. |
[Delete] |
Delete servers from [Server]. |
[Modify] |
Change the server settings. |
[Move Up]/[Move Down] |
Sort the list. Select a server from [Server] and move the selected server one place up or down with each click of [Move Up] or [Move Down]. |
[Settings] |
Display the settings of the connection selected in [Server]. |
4) Click [OK].
You can continue to set other items by clicking [Apply].
[Name] |
Enter the name of the server to display in the folder view. |
[Address] |
Enter the IP address or server name of the server. |
[Address(Backup)] |
For redundant configuration, enter the IP address or server name of the server that is paired with [Address]. |
[Username]/[Password] |
Enter the user name and password required when making the connection. |
[Domain] |
Enter the domain of the server. |
[Storage Drive] |
Select the drive you assigned on the client PC side to the V: drive of the server. |
[Show only SNFS drivers] |
Normally, check this item. |
[Connection Test] |
Click this button to test the connection to the server with the settings entered in the [Server settings] dialog box. |
To use the product in stand-alone with K2 Summit, set the K2 Summit C: drive to be used for the network drive of the client PC. Check [Show only SNFS drivers] in the [Server settings] dialog box, and then select the assigned drive from the [Storage Drive] list.
Set items that are allowed when connecting to the K2 Media server.
1) Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [System Settings].
2) Click the [Importer/Exporter] tree, and click [K2 (SAN)] → [Browser].
3) Set each item.
[Allows Users to Rename/Delete Clips and Bins.] |
Check this item to allow renaming/deleting clips and bins that are managed by a server. |
4) Click [OK].
You can continue to set other items by clicking [Apply].
You can configure the behavior when importing an edit list in Program/List format that will be managed by a K2 Media server to EDIUS as a sequence.
1) Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [System Settings].
2) Click the [Importer/Exporter] tree, and click [K2 (SAN)] → [K2 Project Importer].
3) Set each item.
[Start timecode] |
Configure the settings for start timecodes of imported sequences. [Use Source In timecode of the head clip.] Use the start timecode of the first clip. [Input start timecode.] Enter the start timecode (optional). |
4) Click [OK].
You can continue to set other items by clicking [Apply].
You can configure the settings of the exporter used when exporting a project linked to Placeholder in Assignment List.
The following exporters support smart rendering:
[K2 DV Clip]
[K2 AVCIntra Clip]
[K2 D10 Clip]
The [K2 MPEG2 Clip] exporter supports segment encoding.
1) Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [System Settings].
2) Click the [Importer/Exporter] tree, and click [GV STRATUS] → [GV STRATUS Exporter].
3) Set each item.
[Video Encoder to be used] |
Select a K2 Clip exporter used to export a file from the list. |
[Video Settings] |
[Video Settings] will be displayed depending on the exporter selected in [Video Encoder to be used].
[Audio Settings] |
[Channels] Select the number of audio channels you want to export from the list. [Quantization Bit Rate] Select an audio quantization bitrate from the list. [Ch 1&2] - [Ch 15&16] Select the channel to output bitstream when outputting audio with the audio bitstream retained. |
4) Click [OK].
You can continue to set other items by clicking [Apply].
You can configure the default K2 Media server and the behavior when exporting a clip from EDIUS to the K2 Media server.
1) Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [User Settings].
2) Click the [Source] tree, and click [Register K2 Asset].
3) Set each item.
[Destination Server] |
Click the list to display the list of the K2 Media servers of the connection destination. Select the default K2 Media server when transferring clips to the K2 Media server. |
[Destination Bin] |
[Destination Path] Display the path of the export destination. The settings made in [Base Bin] and [Create Bin] are applied. [Base Bin] Select the bin to be the base of the export destination from the list. [Create Bin] Check this item to add a bin to a location selected in [Base Bin]. Select one of the bin names from the [Template] list which includes names consisting of [{User Name}]/[{Date}]/[{Project Name}]/[{Custom}] in different combinations. If you select [{Custom}], enter desired characters in [Custom]. |
[Clip Name Prefix] |
Set the prefix to add on clip names. Select one of the prefixes from the [Template] list which includes names consisting of [{User Name}]/[{Date}]/[{Project Name}]/[{Custom}] in different combinations. If you select [{Custom}], enter desired characters in [Custom]. If a prefix is not necessary, select [{Custom}] and leave [Custom] blank. |
[Register selected clips as K2 Program] |
Check this item to register clips in the same format as a single K2 Program format clip to the bin on the K2 Media server when selecting and exporting multiple clips. (This is valid only when the frame rate and field order of all clips are the same.) |
[Register K2 Asset material to Bin when registering material from Bin to K2 Asset.] |
Check this item to register K2 Clip format clips, which have been exported from the bin to the K2 Media server, to the bin of EDIUS. |
[Register K2 Asset material to Bin when registering material from Source Browser to K2 Asset.] |
Check this item to register K2 Clip format clips, which have been exported from the source browser to the K2 Media server, to the bin of EDIUS. |
4) Click [OK].
You can continue to set other items by clicking [Apply].