Setting Marker to Timeline

Displaying the [Sequence Marker] List

Display the [Sequence Marker] list in the [Marker] palette.

1) Click [Toggle Palette Display] of the timeline.

2) Click [Marker].


3) Click [Toggle Sequence Marker/Clip Marker] in the [Marker] palette.


  • When the focus is on the Player in the preview window, the list cannot be switched to the [Sequence Marker] list. Switch to this list after selecting the Recorder.

[Sequence Marker] List


[Toggle Sequence Marker/Clip Marker]

Switch between the [Clip Marker] list and the [Sequence Marker] list.


[Set Marker]

Add a sequence marker at the timeline cursor position.


[Set Mark In/Out]

Add a sequence marker with range to between In and Out points on the timeline.


[Go to Previous Marker]/[Go to Next marker]

Move to the previous/next sequence marker.


[Clear Marker]

Select and delete a sequence marker from the sequence marker list.


[Import Marker List]

Import a sequence marker list.


[Export Marker List]

Export the sequence marker list as a CSV file.



Check this to cancel linking the sequence marker to the timeline editing even in the sync-lock mode.


Sequence marker list

Display the timecode or comment of the set sequence marker.

Setting Sequence Markers

You can set a sequence marker on the timeline, and jump to the marker position or add a comment.

1) Move the timeline cursor to the position to set a sequence marker.

2) Click [Set Marker] in the [Sequence Marker] list.



  • Sequence markers cannot be set in the [Clip Marker] list.

Sync-Lock Setting of Sequence Marker

When the ripple mode of the timeline is on, sequence markers can be linked to the timeline editing.

Ripple Mode

1) Uncheck [Anchor] in the [Sequence Marker] list.

2) Click [Marker] on the menu bar, and click [Sync-Lock Sequence Marker - Toggle].

Sequence Marker Types

Shapes of sequence markers change to the following depending on the anchor setting, etc.

Sync-Lock Setting of Sequence Marker



Anchor setting on (orange)

Anchor setting off (orange)

Setting Sequence Markers with Range

You can set a sequence marker with range between In and Out points on the timeline.


  • Sequence markers with range become chapters at export to DVD/BD.

1) Setting the In and Out Points to the Timeline

2) Click [Set Mark In/Out] in the [Sequence Marker] list.



  • Sequence markers cannot be set in the [Clip Marker] list.

Deleting Sequence Markers

1) Select the sequence marker to delete from the sequence marker list at the [Sequence Marker] list.

2) Click [Clear Marker] in the [Sequence Marker] list.

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