Terms You Should Know
To use GV STRATUS Rundown effectively and efficiently, you should become familiar with terms that are frequently used.
Term | Definition |
Clip | A piece of media you can edit, containing video, audio, or both. Once a sequence is sent from EDIUS XS or GV STRATUS client to a media server it becomes a clip again. All clips and subclips merge into one clip. |
Logical Asset | Combination of the GV STRATUS database information, metadata, physical assets or assets on the server, and proxy assets. |
Metadata | Data about data; it can include keywords, timecode information, and other terms that help you find a particular asset. |
Physical Asset | The raw program material, such as video or audio. |
Placeholder | An item (in the GV STRATUS Rundown Assignment List Manager or the GV STRATUS Assignment List) reserved for a clip that doesn’t yet exist or is not complete. Clips are linked to a placeholder in NCS rundowns or via GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in. |
Proxy | A low-resolution clip that represents high-resolution material. |
Script | The textual information for a news story in the newsroom computer system (NCS) rundown. Scripts can also reference electronic media, such as clips from a media server. |
Sequence | Edited media, consisting of pointers to different clips and subclips edited using the EDIUS XS or GV STRATUS application. |
Story | The story — a collection of clips, sequences, and scripts — is the complete news segment that plays to air. |