Uninstall software packages
Apply these steps to uninstall
software packages as follows:
- If you have one or more Conform Servers, uninstall GrassValley_STRATUS_Conform_Engine_x.x.x.cab from those servers.
- If you have one or more EDIUS XRE Servers, uninstall XREServer_x.x.x.cab from those servers.
- If your system includes Aurora Playout, uninstall GV_STRATUS_Rundown_x.x.x.cab from the GV STRATUS Express/Core server and from GV STRATUS/Aurora Playout client PCs.
- In the Software Deployment | Deployment Groups tree view, select the device or the group of devices to which you are deploying software. The corresponding software deployment tasks are displayed in the Tasks list view.
- For the software you are deploying, select the Deploy check box in the row for the uninstall task.
- Unselect the Deploy check box for all other deployment tasks for all other software.
- Click the Start Deployment button. Deployment tasks run and software is uninstalled. Progress is reported and next steps are indicated in both the Status and Details columns.
- Perform manual steps if indicated, such as dismissing a dialog box on the device and/or restarting the device.
- Monitor progress as indicated by both the Status and Details column. When finished, the Status column indicates complete.