About the GV STRATUS Assets view
In the Navigator panel, the Assets node provides a view that is based on the information available in the GV STRATUS Database. This allows the GV STRATUS application to provide you with flexibility for viewing and organizing your assets. You can configure bins and folders based on users, projects, events, or other parameters to suit your particular workflows.
- Groups — Provides a view of folders that can contain assets from any location in the GV STRATUS system. This allows you to create folders and group assets without being constrained by the locations of the assets. The folders you create are visible and accessible by everyone on the GV STRATUS system. The folders exist in the GV STRATUS Database but not in K2 Summit/SAN storage. In previous Grass Valley products, Groups were known as "Collections".
- Locations — Provides a view of bins in K2 Summit/SAN storage. When you create a bin, it is created in K2 Summit/SAN storage.
The Navigator panel also provides a Devices node. Under the Devices node you find the local computer on which the GV STRATUS application is installed. Archive servers configured in GV STRATUS Control Panel are also shown under the Devices node if you have the Archive Rights or Restore Rights roles.
If you have the role of Media Manager, as configured in GV STRATUS Control Panel, the Navigator panel also provides the following:
- The Groups view includes the Lost and Found folder, which you can check for assets that do not have a location or that might not be otherwise accessible in the Assets view.
- Permission is granted to move assets from an archive system to the GV STRATUS system. Without this permission, assets may be copied but not moved.
The GV STRATUS Database controls both the Assets view and the Devices view. The database keeps the operations you perform in synchronization with the GV STRATUS/K2 system overall. The GV STRATUS Database also associates extended metadata with each of your assets, as well as keeps track of relationships between assets. You can use this metadata as search criteria with the advanced search tool.